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Breakthrough to Brilliance Coaching
Online Class

Breakthroughs around the world

Community membership and private FB group are included

Financial abundance is not an elusive concept reserved for a select few; it is within your reach. By uncovering and reprogramming limiting beliefs around money, we empower you to develop a mindset that attracts wealth and prosperity. Our proven strategies and practical tools will assist you in creating a sustainable and thriving financial future.

While financial success is crucial, true fulfillment comes from leading a balanced life. We understand that maintaining equilibrium between work, relationships, health, and personal growth is vital. Our coaching program focuses on strategies to help you establish boundaries, manage your time effectively, and cultivate self-care rituals. Achieving life balance is not a myth but a reality you can experience firsthand.

Spiritual growth is the cornerstone of her program. She believes that a deep connection with your inner self and a higher power is vital for overall well-being. Through guided meditations, visualization techniques, and self-reflection exercises, we assist you in nurturing your spiritual side. As you embark on this transformative journey, you will gain clarity, wisdom, and a profound sense of purpose.

Zoilita is proud to say “”All in my community achieve real results”. Their success stories speak for themselves. Whether it’s reaching new heights in their careers, launching successful businesses, attracting loving relationships, or experiencing profound personal growth, Zoilita’s community members consistently break through their limitations and thrive.

Remember, results don’t lie. If you are ready to unleash your brilliance, surpass your limitations, and create a life of abundance, balance, and spiritual growth, join our Breakthrough to Brilliance^ month coaching program. Together, we will embark on a transformative journey that will empower you to live your best life. Take the first step today and unlock the extraordinary potential within you.

Imagine, if you will, stepping into the world of Zoilita Grant. She is not merely a social entrepreneur, author, and Success Coach, but a captivating force of transformation. Her very essence is dedicated to guiding high performers like yourself towards a life of boundless success and prosperity. With her guidance, you will effortlessly craft a life that exudes financial abundance and perfect harmony, all while nurturing your spiritual growth. The possibilities are endless as you embark on this extraordinary journey with Zoilita Grant.

You know, it’s truly fascinating how Zoilita Grant effortlessly embodies the essence of a social entrepreneur, an author, and a Success Coach. Her unwavering commitment lies in empowering those high-performance individuals to manifest triumph and a life filled with both financial abundance and a harmonious balance. What’s even more incredible is how she skillfully guides them on a transformative journey, nurturing their Spiritual growth along the way. Your time is now. Contact her today 303-834-5040 or

Throughout the program, there will be a dedicated online platform where you can access all materials, engage in discussions, and receive support from a community of like-minded individuals. Regular check-ins and Q&A sessions with Zoilita will also be scheduled to ensure you stay on track and get the most out of the Breakthrough to Brilliance experience.

Your Guide Zoilita

Week 1: Foundations of Brilliance

Video 1: Welcome and Program Overview
Introduction to the program, goals, and what you can expect over the next six weeks.

Video 2: Understanding Your Current State
Self-assessment and reflection exercises to identify strengths, weaknesses, and areas for growth.

Audio 1: Guided Meditation for Mental Clarity
A meditation session focused on clearing the mind and fostering a positive mindset.

Growth Sheet 1: Personal Analysis
A worksheet to help you analyze your Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Challenges.

Week 2: Setting Clear Intentions

Video 3: The Power of Intentions Neuro-Meditation
Exploring the significance of setting clear intentions and how it shapes our journey to brilliance.

Video 4: Crafting Your Vision
Practical tips on creating a compelling vision for the future and setting specific, measurable goals.

Audio 2: Guided Meditation to Meet the Future Self

Worksheet 2: Creating a Vison Board that works
Instructions and template for creating a vision board to reinforce goals visually.

Week 3: Overcoming Blocks

Video 5: Embracing Challenges
Strategies for reframing challenges as opportunities for growth and learning.

Video 6. Finding Resilience
Techniques to bounce back from setbacks and stay motivated on the path to brilliance.

Audio 3: Guided Meditation: Letting Go of Your Past

Growth Sheet 3: Priorities and Objectives
The Four Quadrants of Time Mastery to help you create by design. Using the Laws of Success to create a plan to meet your challenges. You will learn specific actions to overcome challenges and build resilience.

Week 4: Cultivating Creativity

Video 7: Unleash Your Creative Potential
Exploring the connection between creativity and brilliance, and how to tap into your creative reservoir.

Video 8: Fun Strategies to Stimulate Creativity and innovative thinking.

Audio 4: Guided Meditation: Create an Inner Workshop
A meditation session designed to enhance creative thinking.

Growth Sheet 4: Use the 20/80 Rule for Creative Action Plan
You will create a plan to incorporate creative practices into your daily life.

Week 5: Effective Communication

Video 9: Emotional Intelligence Made Easy
Strategies for improving verbal and non-verbal communication skills.

Video 10: Love, Peace, and Compassion
The importance of listening and understanding others to build strong connections.

Audio 5: Guided Meditation Finding the Real You

Growth Sheet 5: Active Listening and Effective Speaking
You will identify areas for improvement and create a plan for enhancing your communication skills.

Week 6: Sustaining Brilliance

Video 11: Building Habits for Long-Term Success
Discussing the role of habits in sustaining brilliance and achieving long-term success.

Video 12: Celebration and Gratitude
The importance of recognizing and celebrating milestones on the journey to brilliance.

Audio 6: Guided Meditation: Doorway to the World of Possibilities

Growth Sheet 6: Designing Your Life
Use the Wheel of Life to design your ideal life.